Sunday, October 27, 2013

Observing my MicroAquariumTM (10/22/2013)

On Tuesday October 22nd 2013, I went to make some observations, hoping to find some differences in the life forms inside my MicroAqaurium since Tuesday October 15th 2013, and indeed, there were some.

The MicroAquarium contained many more motile micro-orginasims, which was exciting to observe. I only made observations near the soil-level of the MicroAquarium.

Near the Utricularia gibba  L., the flowering plant, there were many see-through, ovular organisms swimming about. I did not manage to identify them yet, however I am sure with more research, I may be able to.
Also, there were also long, clear, worm-like organisms of different sizes that were swimming near that plant at the soil level, which I identified as Nematoda (Pennak, 1953).

Meanwhile, there were other long, transparent organisms near the Fontinalis sp., moss that I identified as Rotaria sp. (Olsen, Sunesen and Pedersen, 2001).
There were also brown, ovular organisms that I could not identify yet, but again, with more research I hope to do so.

It is noteworthy that there were no organisms swimming in the clear space between the moss and the plant. Also, there did not seem to be any organisms beneath the soil, or on either edge of the MicroAquarium.


Pennak RW. 1953. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. 1st ed. New York (NY): The Ronald Press Company. 769p.

Olsen L-H, Pedersen BV, Sunesen J. 2001. Small Freshwater Creatures. 1st ed. USA: Oxford University Press. 229p.

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